Dr Niloufar Torkamani

A/Prof Torkamani completed her training in Endocrinology and General Medicine at Royal Melbourne hospital and Austin health. She is passionate about research and completed her PhD in 2016 (University of Melbourne). Her research has been published in various high impact scientific journals. She is currently an honorary research fellow at the University of Melbourne, where she supervises and mentors multiple PhD candidates, physician trainees and medical students. Her research interests include women’s health, andrology, PCOS and PCOS related complications, weight loss and diabetes.

She is the recipient of various awards including the Melbourne International Fee Remitting Scholarship (MIFRS) (University of Melbourne), Melbourne International Research Scholarship (University of Melbourne), John Hayden Scholarship (University of Melbourne), Alwyn Stewart Memorial Trust Fund Scholarship (University of Melbourne), World Hair Research Conference (WHRC ) travel grant.

A/Prof Torkamani consults on a range of issues including Women’s and men’s health, weight loss, PCOS, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, pituitary and adrenal disorders, osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease, transgender health and other endocrine disorders. A/Prof Torkamani is also fluent in Persian (Farsi) and is comfortable to consult patients of all backgrounds.

In the media :

About Endocrinology What is an endocrine disorder? Endocrine disorders are caused by an abnormality in the production or action of hormones. These hormones are produced by specialised organs called the endocrine glands. Hormones are carried by the blood to different parts of the body. Each hormone has a different job and tells the body what to do and when to do it. The hormone actions bring about changes in the way the body functions or behaves and control and coordinate all activities. An endocrinologist specialises in hormones and their disorders. Endocrinologist have completed many years of study including medical school, internship, basic physician training and then advanced training in endocrinology (thirteen years of training in total). Some endocrinologists who are interested in research choose to complete a PhD degree which is an additional four years of study. How do I book an appointment and what should I bring? You will need an updated referral from your GP or specialist on your first appointment. Please contact the practice of your choice to organise a suitable appointment. You would need to bring: Medicare, DVA, any healthcare or pension cards or health/ travel insurance provider details (New patients). Medications – lists, webster packs or the actual boxes of medications. Any relevant copies of pathology, imaging scans or previous specialist letters. What are the fees involved? The mentioned practices are private billing which means that you will need to pay an out of pocket fee on the day of your appointment. This will ensure that you will receive excellent care through appointments that are tailored to your needs. Medicare rebates will be processed on the day of your appointment. Please contact the specialist centre of your choice for further information regarding fees.